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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How to increase online sales?

How to increase online sales

If you want to increase your online sales then you must first understand how the customer thinks and how he behaves when he attempts to buy an online product. Most customers rarely buy products the first time they visit a website but usually the purchase happens after the third or even the fifth time they visit your site.

Of course this might not happen with big websites such as Amazon or EBay because users already know what they want out of these websites and they only browse such websites in order to locate the items they want.

Why doesn’t users buy the first time they visit your site?

Can you tell all your secrets to someone whom you just met few minutes ago?? Of course you can't, but if you met him few times and started getting closer to him you might be able to tell him some of your secrets if you felt comfortable in dealing with him.

The same thing happens with online consumers, they can’t give you their money before they first know you well and before they trust you, thats why consumers usually visit a website few times before they make purchase. So is there a way to reduce the time span of trust building?? Yes there is a great way, write useful articles and divide them into parts. For example I could have divided this article into five parts that explains how online sales can be increased. As visitors keep reading an article after another the trust will increase (provided that they find good content) and by the end of the fifth article trust could have reached a point which enables them visitor to make a purchase. For more information on increasing the trust read my article How to market an Ebook.

The other thing you can do is to send the visitor a newsletter containing links to useful pages on your website. By doing so you will be ensuring that the visitor will visit you more frequently and so this will result in more sales. Simply because instead of taking him one month to visit your website 5 times it would only take him 3 weeks, this will result in a 25% increase in sales (see Free email marketing tips).

Sell complementary products

When I first wrote the book How to make someone fall in love with you I thought that it was going to be the last one. But then I realized that some people want to get over their old partners and make new ones love them so I wrote the book How to get over anyone in few days. The earnings of my website increased 50% when I introduced the second book because lots of customers started buying them together while some of the old customers started buying the new book.

This is the same reason why MacDonald’s sell you Coke along with the meal they provide. You usually go to restaurants to eat but since restaurants know that drinks are complementary products they provide you with them.

If Part one worked sell part two

When the play station console become very successful Sony decided to make play station 2 , few years later play station three was introduced and who knows what version of play station will be available at the time you read this article.

You should do the same as Sony, If your product succeeded then sell an enhanced version of it. If your EBook succeeded then write part two of it.

Where does the sales come from?

Sales come from new visitors visiting your website and from existing visitors who visit your pitch pages. Based on this, you can increase your sales by two ways, bringing more traffic to your website and motivating more visitors to buy from you (increasing the conversion rate)

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  2. How to maximize Google adsense revenue?
  3. How to increase online sales?
  4. How to make more money with adsense?

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