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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Free Blog Startup Guide

What Should I Blog About?

Before you start blogging, you need to select a topic. Here are things to keep in mind:

1. Your topic should be something you are interested in. After all, you will be writing about this topic extensively.

2. You should have a lot of knowledge on this topic or you should be willing to spend as much time as needed to acquire the knowledge. You don’t have to be an expert from the start, but you should become an expert at some point in time on your topic.

Do you have a hobby? This might be your best bet for a topic, if it is specific enough yet can draw enough traffic. For example, if you owned a 57 chevy that you fixed up and customized, you could create an extensive blog on this topic, documenting your work. And, there are a fair number of searches per day.

3. Your topic should be about something people are looking for but not too broad.Nor should it be too specific. One way to find what people are searching for is to use this free keyword tool. For example, if you were interested in fashion, you would type in the word fashion and you would see this result. Notice that there are over 50 two keyword phrases with at least 500 searches per day! If you could create categories for each of those phrases and write something of value on each phrase, you could possibly get quite a bit of traffic. Or, if you clicked on fashion design (see below), you would see all these results.

At any rate, you will want to have a broad site with a lot of related subcategories or a site on a subcategory that gets a lot of traffic. You would not want to have a site only on something very specific and obscure like funny fashion, nor would you want to blog about something very general like fashion in general.

Here is kind of a tricky way to find highly searched phrases: Go to and type in the first few letters of a word. What will show up are the most searched for words beginning with those letters. For example, if you type in “ab ” in the search window, you see the result below. Also note that you can see even more results as shown below.

You would then go to the keyword tool and type in the key phrase ab workouts to see that a fair number of people are searching for it. It might be a good topic for a blog. See below.

After you find keywords that might make a good blog, you should also check to see how many other sites you will have to compete with on this topic. The easy and obvious (and best) way to do this is to search for the phrase and see what pops up. For example, if we search for ab workouts in Google, we see over 200 results that are fairly relevant. You would have to beat out all those results! Could you do it? If so then go for it. If not, then perhaps find another topic. In this day and age, there will be 200+ relevant results on most any topic, but the big question is, can you do better that what you are finding? If so, then eventually you will reach the top of that list.

So what would be an example of a good topic? The 57 chevy example I mentioned earlier would be. There are a fair number of searches for just 57 chevy and 1957 chevy, yet there are really that many sites entirely devoted to the 57 chevy if you check in Google.

An important note about the keyword tool: If you see there are a full 100 results with at least 4 searches per day, there is a good chance that there could be another 100 results with 2-4 searches per day – all of this can add up. When I see this, I generally assume that there are at least a few hundred more related searches per day. Also remember to check for variations. In the 57 chevy example in the previous paragraph, we saw results for 57 chevy and 1957 chevy. Also, in the 57 chevy check, we saw that at result 100 we were still seeing 4 searches per day – all told there are easily thousands of 57 chevy related searches each day. To get results listed beyond 100, you will need to either take the Wordtracker trial or get a monthly subscription – I have done both in the past although I am usually able to find what I need from the free tool.

Do you think you can come up with something so unique that it will generate its own traffic simply because it is so novel and interesting? For example, the site shows over 8000+ people searching for this domain (in addition to all those that find the site without a search) per day! So there could easily be over 10000 or even 20000 visitors per day to this site! And what a simple site it is! This type of site is known as a viral site in that its readership grows almost exponentially by “word of mouth”. See viral websites for more info.

4. Once you have a topic, you might want to get a domain that contains those keywords. Many affiliate programs will require you to have your own domain. I think, however, that you can sign up for Google AdSense without your own domain, particularly if you are using a free Google Blogger blog. If you get a domain, it should contain keywords related to your site. For example, the domain of this site, is a pretty good match to the content. And search engines will weigh this heavily when returning results. See this guide on getting a domain

Free Blog Startup Guide

Helpful Videos For Google Blogger

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